MUDEK Accreditation Certificates
Hasan Kalyoncu University Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department has been awarded accreditation and the EUR-ACE label by the Program Evaluation and Accreditation Association (MUDEK) which has been a member of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) since 2006, a member of Washington Accord (WA) since 2011, and has a YÖKAK approved Quality […]
Google Classroom Codes of All Lectures
2024-2025 FALL TERM GOOGLE CLASSROOM CODES Please sign up for the class relevant to you using the code below CENG107 – Computer Programming 24-25 Class Code: dseh2ss Signals and Systems (EE331/CENG305): egmgz3i EE321 – Electromechanical Energy Conversion I 24-25 Class Code: gxxum4h EE383 – Electromechanical Energy Conversion I Lab 24-25 Class Code: ep4cklu EE373 – Low […]